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Showing posts from October, 2018

Examining Inter-Rater Reliability in a Reality Baking Show

An updated version of this post  (with all the code the isn't rendered here)  can be found here>> Game of Chefs is an Israeli reality cooking competition show, where chefs compete for the title of "Israel's most talented chef". The show has four stages: blind auditions, training camp, kitchen battles, and finals. Here I will examine the 4th season's ( Game of Chefs: Confectioner ) inter-rater reliability in the blind auditions, using some simple R code. The Format In the blind auditions, candidates have 90 minutes to prepare a dessert, confection or other baked good, which is then sent to the show's four judges for a blind taste test. The judges don't see the candidate, and know nothing about him or her, until after they deliver their decision - A "pass" decision is signified by the judge granting the candidate a kitchen knife; a "fail" decision is signified by the judge not granting a knife. A candidate who receives a